I decided to put in a 2+ acre PICK-YOUR-OWN garden behind our shop on Amboy Road, for Conneaut and Ashtabula County. With all the talk about the possibility of food being scarce in the near future, it seems like the thing to do.
My mom has been using the BACK TO EDEN wood chip method of gardening for the last 5 years and has had really good results… The wood chips make it so there are very few weeds and the chips retain moisture so you rarely have to water the plants. On top of that, the chips break down and improve the soil wonderfully. Every year, you put on more chips and as the chips break down, the soil just keeps getting better and better and better.
Here’s a video of us getting the ground ready to plant next Spring:
Here are a few pictures of my mom’s garden last year and a copy of her soil sample test. You can see that most of the things tested were “off the chart”.
So, with me being in the TREE BUSINESS, and having a TON of wood chips from taking trees down, trimming, etc… it made sense to use this method of gardening.
With God’s blessing, we should have a TON of food to sell at reasonable prices next year!
We are also going to have a VEGETABLE STAND on the road in front of the shop, for those who don’t want to pick their own produce.
Just about everything you can think of! This month, we are planting almost 500 cloves of Garlic! (10 different varieties). Garlic has to be planted in the Fall and it will then be ready for harvest late June to mid July, depending on the weather. I hope you all like Garlic!
I’m having a small greenhouse built on the back of my house, and I’ll be starting some plants there. We set the footers for that last week.